Sunday, August 26, 2007

Things sure have changed here on Walton's Mountain

School is back in session. I guess you can tell by my long absence from blog-world. TJ and I are at it again, busier than ever before, due to some changes to the schedule that are not necessarily in our favor. But, God has led us to it, and He can certainly see us through it. Matt is enjoying his new position as high school director at Dumas. Other than the general grind, there is one thing that's been looming over Matt's and my heads recently.

We've faced our first bout with religious persecution as a couple. Because of our stand for Christ, some people close to us said some truly hurtful things to us last weekend. It came as quite a shock to us, because these people have never shown this attitude toward us before. I guess their "true colors" are shining through now. Basically, they believe that I have corrupted Matt by marrying him and leading him to Christ. They believe that his current behavior (going to church faithfully, praying, serving God, following biblical truths, etc.) are a direct result of his association with me, as if I've inducted him into some kind of cult.

Matt was told, "Ever since you married Carrie, you're different than you used to be. She's changed you." Matt's response (God bless him) was, "No, Carrie hasn't changed me. Jesus has." Yes, this situation was an incredible shock and painful at first, but now we see the real reason. Those people don't know Christ. I am praising God right now, even as I type this, that God used my Christian witness (humble, weak, and flawed as it may be), and the light of Jesus shining through me, along with the Holy Spirit to convict the hearts of these lost people. How wonderful to know that I can be used by God in His service! I am continually amazed that His word has such power.

I am asking you first to pray for these dear lost people that they might find Jesus precious to their souls before it's everlastingly too late. Please pray for us also that God will give us the words to say and the courage to say them when it's time. They are currently not speaking to us, but I believe God will open a door for us to witness, and when that time comes, we want people praying for us that we might have speaking grace!


Sugar-n-Spice said...

our mountain is trembling a bit, huh? it is wonderful, though, to have friends to share the mountain with! :) it has been reaffirming for tj and i both to hear you thoughts/feelings/insights. love ya!

Mandy said...

I'm so sorry... I've definitely been in your shoes and they're not fun shoes to wear! Clayton and I have lost touch with MANY of our used to be friends due to our love for Jesus. What's been shocking to me is how many friends I no longer really speak with that are "christians"... it's so sad how loosly we throw that term around. I've just found there are two types of Christians.
1) You say a prayer and you're a christian for life.
2) You say a prayer, and you change your life, walk WITH Christ, and are never the same again.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

I have run into this as well..I will be praying ofr you guys...I know I am commenting quite a bit after the fact,but thinking and praying for you both nonetheless!

Shelley said...

We experienced a lot of that when we joined Journey.
I had some friends and family that equated that to joining a cult.
It's hurtful, but we handled it. Be strong! You know you are doing what is right!